Saturday, August 30, 2008


I decided just to push through, and even though it's not perfect I like it!

Pattern: Box Bag (see post below)
Fabric: 2 Quarter Flats from JoAnn
Mods: Didn't use any interfacing, I think I bought the wrong kind.


I've decided to take a stab at the sewing machine. I got mom's when they moved and it's probably as old as I am. It's a Kenmore 6 Stitch. I had to buy the manual, nobody has free downloads of any sewing machine manual. That might be because you NEED the manual to adjust stitches. Here is the cover of mine...

I really wanted a box bag for my knitting, my current bag is great but it's big. I want something smaller for my sock projects. Enter this pattern. It probably took me 6 hours yesterday and I'm still not done. My problem is I am not getting even stitches on the machine. I think it's because my bobbin is not threaded evenly. If that doesnt work, I have no idea what to try next. I'll take pics when I find my camera.

I am late on my dkKnits sock swap too. I'm still knitting. So I'd like to make a bag for my girl to make up for my tardyness. That is if I can get my stitches right....

Monday, August 11, 2008

Summer Games

I'm in the dkKnits sock club, where she dyes each member's yarn on your specific interests. She put together her own version of Olympic Games (nothing to do with the Ravelympics).

My favorite so far has been Hibernation Hurdles, where I sumbitted this picture:

All of my hibernating WIPS :)

I'll post more after work!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Look at those waves!

We went white water rafting last weekend. I think we were on the water for 4 hours, it was so much fun! I didn't fall out either.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's August???

Ahh, the weekend. I can't believe it's August already. Where has the summer gone?

I just got back from The Windy City, Chicago. It was my first time up there and we had a good time (me and my co-worker). I'm in town for 2 weeks, then I head back to Chattanooga, TN and Middle of Nowhere, AL. Oh, and throw in studying for the CPA and having to knit for a sock swap...

I still have the yucky yellow bathroom walls. That might have to wait until Dec. when I have more time. I have the color picked out, paint brushes bought, and putty knife ready to go.

This weekend is our sales tax holiday so I'm going to get new pants for work. I hate buying the larger size, but I'm desperate. Must go to gym more.