Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's August???

Ahh, the weekend. I can't believe it's August already. Where has the summer gone?

I just got back from The Windy City, Chicago. It was my first time up there and we had a good time (me and my co-worker). I'm in town for 2 weeks, then I head back to Chattanooga, TN and Middle of Nowhere, AL. Oh, and throw in studying for the CPA and having to knit for a sock swap...

I still have the yucky yellow bathroom walls. That might have to wait until Dec. when I have more time. I have the color picked out, paint brushes bought, and putty knife ready to go.

This weekend is our sales tax holiday so I'm going to get new pants for work. I hate buying the larger size, but I'm desperate. Must go to gym more.

1 comment:

Smitten Knitten said...

Wow you are busy! I know I can't believe it's August either :).