Wednesday, August 29, 2007


So I got my Ravelry invite today! jujubeee if you want add me. I think I know what I'm going to be doing this weekend....

I wasted time today. I should have been working, but I deciced to figure out how to add the Ravelry button, how to do a progress bar, chatted on facebook.... And let me tell you, HTML code stinks.

No pictures today, it's late.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Almost there....

I just looked up my place in line for Ravelry and guess what, 50 people in front of me!!! So hopefully tomorrow I'll get my invite and FINALLY see what everyone is talking about. I think it will be a place for me to list what projects I want to work on so I wont forget. And I'm excited to see what other people have done with the patterns.

In other news, my dad sliced his hand pretty bad this weeked with a drummel that he modified by putting a 5 inch blade on. Almost cut off his finger. So he's having surgery tomorrow on it to sew everything up. He should be fine if he does the physical theropy.

Here is a picture since I'm out of town and on my work computer. Yes, I am a dork and proud of it!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Title

Yes, I changed my title. Since this is more about my adventures with yarn I wanted something more appropriate. I'm off to San Antonio again this week. I didn't make it to the LYS last time, so this week it's definately a priority. It's called Yarnivore and looks like a fun shop.

I'm almost done with the leg on my socks. I like how they are turning out!

I want to do a short row heel, I think they look pretty. Never done a short row though so this might be interesting. I'll have to bring scrap yarn with me to practice. No way am I going to attempt an unknit if I mess up.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Kangaroos abound!

Saturday morning I was awakened by my phone. M was wondering if I was interested in going to the Kangaroo Conservatory Center in Dawsonville, GA. The what? Apparently it is the largest kangaroo conservatory outside of Austrailia. So we rode up Sat. afternoon with his mom and brother.

Even with the hot weather, it wasnt too bad. I got a little stuffed kangaroo to bring home.

Friday night I went to Friday's for dinner. I got the Cedar Salmon pasta, which I have gotten at least 4 times before tonight. I was not impressed with the salmon. Now, I know it's the "Right meals, Right price" promotion, but really? Doesnt that look pitiful? Thin and overcooked. I didn't really want to eat it anyways though so I didn't make a fuss.

Also, as promised, a picture of my lonely leg warmer. Second one should be easy, but with my CPA testing coming up shortly.... I need to be careful how much I procrastinate studying.