Monday, September 24, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Beautiful Person

I know it has been a while since I posted. A lot has been going on the past few weeks. First:

My grandfather passed away Friday Sept. 7 from cancer. He also had Alzheimer's. Wasn't he handsome? :) He was a very special person that everyone liked. While I'll miss him dearly, I'm happy that he is reunited with my grandmother, no longer trapped in a failing body, and that I got to spend time with him his last 4 years. He was a WWII veteran in the Navy, and went in to build the landing strip at Iwo Jima after the battle. There was an honor guard at his funeral with live taps.

It was so beautiful. I would like to go back to the cemetary sometime, his plaque will not be done for another week or so.

One more picture and then I really have to study (I won't be posting until Oct. 1).

How I'll always remember him..... With my dad.