Saturday, August 30, 2008


I've decided to take a stab at the sewing machine. I got mom's when they moved and it's probably as old as I am. It's a Kenmore 6 Stitch. I had to buy the manual, nobody has free downloads of any sewing machine manual. That might be because you NEED the manual to adjust stitches. Here is the cover of mine...

I really wanted a box bag for my knitting, my current bag is great but it's big. I want something smaller for my sock projects. Enter this pattern. It probably took me 6 hours yesterday and I'm still not done. My problem is I am not getting even stitches on the machine. I think it's because my bobbin is not threaded evenly. If that doesnt work, I have no idea what to try next. I'll take pics when I find my camera.

I am late on my dkKnits sock swap too. I'm still knitting. So I'd like to make a bag for my girl to make up for my tardyness. That is if I can get my stitches right....

1 comment:

Smitten Knitten said...

Hey that sewing machine looks familiar! I inherited one of those too, it died long ago. You will get the hang of it!